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Flyer Design


"You've always done good work,

been fair with me, and a pleasure to deal with."  

"Thank you, Eli Akerman."

     Property Ad Pro designs advertisements for you.  Your only requirement is to email us instructions and fill out the contract.  Our goal is to help showcase your property in a professional package.  The Retail map inset into a brochure or flyer can be broadcast emailed to your entire contact list.  Creation of the retail map starts as a satellite image of your property we take with computer software using the address provided.  We research the area to find national retailers (and local if requested) close by your property and import their logos from our collection to the satellite image.  We can highlight roads, zones, future sites, parking, edit existing site plans, and structure outlines.  Using our Retail map along with the area demographic and store front photograph grouped in a flyer then set directly in the body of your email so the property advertisement is seen as soon as the email is opened has been a proven method to lease, and sell property.   We work directly with you over the phone and through email to create the best marketing package for you.  To begin the project we will send you a questionnaire, and contract to fill out via email.  We can start the project after receiving your information.  Any instructions you have will be included on the retail map designed for you by our graphic artist.  Some of our clients are very busy and don't have the time to make a detailed retail map flyer or they don't have the resources to pay someone full time to be their in house artist.  You can call us anytime you need graphic designs or advertising including retail map flyers.  We can help you.  If you want to get started on your personalized marketing package or have any questions feel free to call anytime. 

Retail Map - $150
Flyer - $100
Retail map Flyer combo
One mile -  $225
Five mile - $275
Ten mile - $340
Brochure -$100 per page
Demographic - $25
Traffic Count - $25
Logo Design - $125
Video Editing - $125 per 5min
Digital Editing - $75 per hr
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